If you have lost all or most of your teeth throughout an arch, the innovative Teeth In A Day dental implant treatment may be ideal for you. As its name implies, it can replace an entire arch of teeth in just a single appointment. On this page, you will learn more about Teeth In A Day, including how it works and what benefits it offers. When you are ready for your personal dental implant consultation, contact our team to schedule your appointment with the doctor.
After you undergo any necessary preparatory work, the doctor will place just four to six implants throughout your jawbone. The placing of the implants is extremely strategic; they are inserted at angles in areas where the bone is naturally thick and strong. Immediately after the implants are in place, you will receive a provisional (temporary) prosthetic to go on top of them. After your bone heals around the implants, a process which might take a few months, you will return to our office so we can design and place your permanent restoration.
The best way for you to find out if the Teeth In A Day treatment is right for you is by visiting us for a consultation. After we examine your mouth, explain the procedure to you in detail, and answer your questions, we can decide how to proceed. You may be a candidate for Teeth In A Day if:
The primary benefit of the Teeth In A Day treatment is that it allows you to quickly regain a full set of functional, aesthetically pleasing teeth. Other benefits include:
The traditional dental implant procedure is different from Teeth In A Day in a number of ways. For example, traditional dental implant treatments may require more than 4 – 6 implants to replace an entire arch of missing teeth. Furthermore, the implants may not immediately be able to support a restoration. With that being said, keep in mind that traditional implants offer their own advantages. When you visit us for your consultation, the doctor will help you compare and contrast all of your options so you can make the treatment decision that is best for your unique circumstances.