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Discover the Freedoms of Invisalign Clear Braces

June 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — torringtondental @ 4:03 pm
Happy young woman holding Invisalign aligners in heart shape

Traditional metal braces are certainly effective for straightening teeth and correcting bite issues. However, they are far from perfect. Their metal brackets and wires can make them feel restrictive! The good news is that an alternative orthodontic option — Invisalign clear braces — provides some remarkable freedoms. What privileges can you expect with Invisalign? This blog post explains a few.


Torrington Dental Care is a 42 North Dental Care, PLLC practice and is owned and operated by dentists Dr. Samuel Shames, DDM. and Dr. Ronald Weissman, DDM. Gentle Dental is supported by 42 North Dental, LLC, a dental support organization that provides non-clinical administrative and business support services to the practice. 42 North Dental, LLC does not own or operate the dental practice or employ dentists to provide dental services. Find more information about 42NorthDental, LLC and the dental practices it supports at